Monday, September 27, 2004

why is it so funny when little kids get hurt? beats me. so I'm reading this great book about improv by mick napier, it's called "Improvise - Scene From the Inside Out". I've been having some trouble improvising on stage lately and this has really helped me re-examine my whole approach. Basically the book says that not only are the 'rules' to improv bullshit, they actually hinder your development as an improviser. It's pretty radical stuff and if you don't give a shit about improv, you're probably asleep right now. Anyway, my point is, sometimes you have to re-evaluate your whole approach to things. I feel like for so long I've been in this holding pattern, planning for the future and making small steps towards it. I'm making progress, but I'm not taking the big chances I should be. There's always a safety, a fallback. If I'm working a regular job then I don't have to rely on my acting ability to pay the rent. So I work 50 hours a week, commute ten a week and come home exhausted at the end of the day, no closer to doing what I want to do. Even this blog, what does this accomplish? Complaining about stuff and not doing it. The cycle continues. Anyway, sorry to get everyone down. And by 'everyone' I mean the three people who read this. I just feel like things could blow up at any moment but it's not just going to happen. There has to be a spark. I have to make that spark. This is not a spark though. Oh well.
Back to my website.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

OK, sorry everybody that I haven't updated in a while. I suck. I'm a douche, I know. Oh, by the way, my guestbook is back up, click here if you want to sign it. Anyway, Animals From the Future is going well. We had two very successful shows and are gearing up to write the third. Tomorrow is my birthday, I turn 29. Crazy, huh? I've decided to have it be a little more low-key than it's been in the past. No 40 person clusterfuck at the outback steakhouse this year. Partly it's because Pickles is out of town, he usually plans this bullshit for me. But it's also because I no longer feel such a rabid need for validation that I'm popular. If only a few people show up, that's fine. No it isn't. You guys better show up. Just kidding. Anyway, last night I had dinner with the other Animals From the Future because Bill and Mel will be out of town this week. We're really excited to do another show. We've decided it will probably be another backyard event. Yes, I know I told everyone we'd be moving on to a real theater, but we decided we probably shouldn't mess with success. People like the backyard party vibe, why piss them off? Supposedly some random person was wearing one of our shirts at a bar the other night. We heard this third hand or something. Add that to the time I was walking down the street and a car yelled "Animals From the Future!" as it drove by and I'd say you've got the makings of some underground buzz. Please sign up to be a friendster or myspace buddy for us by searching for That would be rad. Oh, my brother keeps telling me to go see Napoleon Dynamite because he says the main character is very similiar to Ruprekt, the kid who shot me in the eye with an arrow. We'll see. Anyways, I hope to see you guys tomorrow at my bday celebration, gimme a call if you need the info.
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