Monday, October 24, 2005

Did I do this??

So last week I got to wondering about a few celebrities who people had informed me were dead but actually weren't and I decided to start a website that would find out for sure.

So one of the people I was wondering about was Rosa Parks. People had insisted that she was dead but I couldn't find anything to show that was true. They were wrong. She was alive. I say "was" because today she died. Five days after I started my website!

Coincidence? I hope so.

I mean, I didn't "jinx" her or anything, right? She was 92. That's pretty old. It's probably why people assumed she was already gone. Right?

I still feel kinda bad. I wasn't poking fun at her or anything... but still.

All I can say is, "look out Mickey Rooney."


Blogger Me! said...

I totally popped on your blog to tell you that you jinxed Rosa Parks. It appears you already know of the news. Poor old woman.

4:18 AM  
Blogger T. Leach said...

Nice going, jackass.

5:32 AM  

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