love's biggest loser
So in case you haven't heard through the grapevine, my girlfriend of six months and I have broken up. I've been thinking about how/if I should write about that here. I guess I'm not going through anything that everybody else hasn't gone through before, but it honestly feels like the end of the world. Danielle was/is my best friend and I will always love her very much. But now, added to that, I also hate her very much. This is the thing I am currently dealing with: trying to stay civil and be mature without stooping to my usual antics that result in girls crying. I don't know why I'm even writing this. Who cares? What's the point? I should probably just shut up and move on with it. Anyway, if anyone wants to give me $12,000, that might make things better.
i know i know i know. this is the hardest thing ive had to go through especially because i love you so very much. but regardless, it was my decision and you didnt see it comming (neither did i) so the punch in the stomach must feel unbearable. We loved eachother as lovers and we will continue to love eachother as friends. with all my heart - puffo
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