Thursday, May 05, 2005

shut up, idiots!

just kidding, you're not idiots. my mom told me the other day that I hadn't posted in a while, so this is a peer pressure post. on tuesday, I'll be heading out to rhode island to recuperate at my parent's house. I should be back in about a month. What's new with you? I think it's time for a change of scenery, I've been out of the hospital for over a month, being a burden to everyone. I haven't been writing or doing anything productive so I need to kick myself in the ass and get going. hopefully, I can go home and get better and come back at something approaching 100% so that I can finally get around to thanking everyone. if I haven't written you back or snubbed you in any way, please forgive me, I intend to get around to everything eventually, things are just kind of on hold right now, I hope you understand.
anyway, hope everyone is well,


Blogger MJB said...

We thought you forgot about us idiots. Why? WHY???

4:50 AM  

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