Sunday, May 09, 2004

It's sunday. mother's day. called my mom and my grandma. would be nice to see everyone in person. oh well. last night B and I went to the second city jam. the first time I had been there in 2 or 3 months probably. had fun. went to norm's afterwards. this was basically my saturday night for 2 years or so, so I definitely had that "older guy hanging out at the high school party" vibe. it used to be I'd walk in there and knew probably 90% of the people there. now I know a few here and there. and they all look so young. which doesn't make sense because people of all ages take classes at second city. I'm not old, right? speaking of that, I did a search on myspace for glastonbury people (that's my hometown), and everyone I found was like 17 or 18. I remember I was a kid and I would babysit this family friend, she was literally a baby. like 8 or 9 months. now she's 18 or 19 and in college. kinda creeps me out. I'm drawing the line. 20 and above. unless they're really hot. ok, so I'll take it on a case-by-case basis.


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